Cats and psychosis

Dr. Weeks’  Comment:   infections (prostate, pneumonia, Lyme’s disease  etc.)  hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)  food reactions and now cat parasites are all implicated in confusions which can present as psychosis or schizophrenia.  Over the past 20 years, I have been called on numerous occasions by medical colleagues  to consult as a psychiatrist for their patients who had become psychotic and crazy and delusional and hallucinating but when I examined them, I typically would fine that the problem was not psychiatric but simply infectious!


Listen to the doctors at Johns Hopkins medical center:   Before you take anti-psychotic medications for the rest of your life,  ask your doctor to determine first whether or not  you are infected with something!

Researchers find schizophrenia linked to parasite carried by cats


Researchers find schizophrenia linked to parasite carried by cats

By Frank D. Roylance The Baltimore Sun The Post-Star | Posted: Friday, August 6, 2010 


BALTIMORE — Johns Hopkins University scientists trying to determine why people develop serious mental illness are focusing on an unlikely factor: a common parasite spread by cats.

The researchers say the microbes, called Toxoplasma gondii, invade the human brain and appear to upset its chemistry – creating, in some people, the psychotic behaviors recognized as schizophrenia.

If tackling the parasite can help solve the mystery of schizophrenia, “it’s a pretty good opportunity … to relieve a pretty large burden of disease,” said Dr. Robert H. Yolken, director of developmental neurobiology at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center.

The cause of schizophrenia is unknown, but both genetic and environmental factors likely play a part, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Yolken is among the researchers worldwide examining whether certain viral infections can increase the risk of developing the illness. Other studies have focused on flu and herpes viruses as possible triggers.

The notion that there are links between infections and schizophrenia is “intriguing,” said Dr. Ken Duckworth, a clinical psychiatrist and medical director for the National Alliance on Mental Illness. “There’s so much we don’t know about schizophrenia that anybody

paying attention would welcome any thoughtful inquiry. And the infectious disease corner of the field is a growth stock right now,” he said. “If true, it would have a preventive implication which is profound.”

In a study of 12- to 49-year-olds who were born in the U.S., about 9 percent were found to be infected with T. gondii in the early 2000s, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That rate is down from 14 percent in the 1990s. However, Yolken believes infection rates are higher among older Americans.

Yolken, a cat owner who says he has tested positive for Toxoplasma antibodies, said the potential link between Toxoplasma infections and mental illness is no reason for cat owners to panic – they just need to keep some basic hygienic precautions in mind.

He was drawn into the field by some intriguing questions about schizophrenia.

“I couldn’t understand why a disease like schizophrenia persists in humans,” he said. Through much of our history, “people who have these diseases don’t reproduce very well, either because they’re sick, or they’ve been locked up, or because they were killed.”

If the disorder were strictly genetic in origin, he added, those genes should have been culled from the gene pool long ago. But they weren’t. That raises the question of an environmental, perhaps infectious origin – a germ that has evolved to benefit by infecting other species.

It was a colleague, Dr. E. Fuller Torrey of the Stanley Medical Research Institute in Chevy Chase, who sealed the deal for Yolken by unearthing a trove of studies from as far back as the 1950s, many of them not written in English, suggesting links between infections and schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia, a severely disabling brain disorder characterized by confusion, delusions and hallucinations, afflicts 1.1 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Someone with a toxoplasma infection, called toxoplasmosis, is more than twice as likely to develop schizophrenia, according to Yolken.

First isolated in 1908, T. gondii is present in the bodies of a third of the world’s population, on average. It is a lifelong infection.

“Humans can get infected either directly (from contact with cat feces), or from eating the (undercooked) meat of an animal that was itself infected by a cat,” Yolken said. Some toxoplasmosis outbreaks have been traced to water supplies contaminated by cat feces.

When they’re initially infected, most people have little more than flulike symptoms, or none at all. But young children, people with weakened immune systems and women infected while pregnant can develop a brain inflammation called encephalitis, or suffer miscarriages, damage to the heart, liver, eyes or ears. Infection can be fatal, and fetuses that survive their mother’s first infection may be born with retardation, deafness and other problems.

Felines are typically infected when they eat an infected mouse or bird. They don’t usually get sick. So far, there is no vaccine to prevent cats from becoming infected. So the microbe reproduces in the cat’s gut. Its eggs, or oocysts, develop there, and are later shed with the cat’s feces.

When another warm-blooded animal such as a mouse ingests the oocysts through contact with cat feces, the oocysts enter its gut. There they release cells that migrate mostly to muscles and the brain, forming cysts to protect themselves from the mouse’s immune system.

But T. gondii must get back into a cat to reproduce again. To get there, it needs the mouse to be eaten by a cat. Scientists believe the parasite raises its odds of success by changing the mouse’s behavior and reversing its natural fear of cats.

But how?

Studies of mice and rats infected by T. gondii have shown risky behavior changes, including an attraction to the smell of cat urine that makes them vulnerable to attacks. These findings may have parallels in behavioral changes in people, from schizophrenia to depression and reflex impairment.

Glenn McConkey, a researcher at the University of Leeds in England, reported last year that two genes in T. gondii’s DNA contain instructions for the production of an enzyme that makes a brain chemical called dopamine.

“That’s somewhat unusual, because other parasites don’t have that (dopamine),” said Sarven Sabunciyan, Yolken’s colleague at Hopkins. After all, microbes have no brains.

But in higher animals with nervous systems, dopamine is a neurotransmitter with important roles in regulating behavior. Some anti-psychotic drugs used to treat schizophrenia work by blocking dopamine action in the brain.

Medical students have long been told that mental illness and infectious disease were separate fields.

“I was taught they had nothing to do with each other,” said Duckworth, at NAMI. But then he’d encounter a Lyme disease patient with something resembling psychosis, or an AIDS patient with depressive symptoms. “I think it’s intuitively possible. After my experience with AIDS patients, I can think, ”˜Why not?’ ”



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