Old remedy – still safe and effective


Oxygen therapies have been around for a long time. They were first reported by Dr. T.H. Oliver in The Lancet in 1920 and since that time they have been studied in major medical research centers throughout the world. Over 5000 physicians worldwide use ozone in their medical practice. Specific therapeutic applications of ozone include the treatment of vascular disease such as stroke, obstructive arteriopathy, venous insufficiency, cancer, acute and chronic viral diseases, ulcers, infected wounds, gangrenes, burns, inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and spinal disc problems. Ozone is also excellent for topical treatment of bacterial, fungal and viral infections, wounds, decubitus ulcers, lymphatic diseases, nail afflictions, radiodermatitis, frostbite and burns, especially those that are difficult to heal.

Please note that it is extremely important to obtain an accurate diagnosis before trying to find a cure.  Many diseases and conditions share common symptoms: if you treat yourself for the wrong illness or a specific symptom of a complex disease, you may delay legitimate treatment of a serious underlying problem.  In other words, the greatest danger in self-treatment may be self-diagnosis. If you do not know what you really have, you can not treat it!

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The use of hydrogen peroxide and ozone in medicine is based on the belief that the accumulation of toxins in the body is normally burnt up by the process of oxidation, a process wherein a substance is changed chemically because of the effect of oxygen on it. Oxidation breaks the toxins down and eliminates them from the body.

Oxygen therapies are used to provide the body with active forms of oxygen intravenously or through the skin. Once in the body, the hydrogen peroxide or ozone breaks down into various oxygen subspecies which contact anaerobic virii and microbes (virii and microbes that have the ability to live without air), as well as diseased or deficient tissue cells. It oxidizes these cells while leaving the healthy cells alone. When the body becomes saturated with these special forms of oxygen, it reaches a state of purity wherein disease microorganisms are killed, while the underlying toxicity is oxidized and eliminated.

According to Frank Shallenberger, M.D. author of The Principles and Applications of Ozone Therapy, oxygen therapies affect the human body in the following ways:

  1. They stimulate the production of white blood cells, which are necessary to fight infection.
  2. Ozone and hydrogen peroxide are virucidal.
  3. They increase oxygen and hemoglobin disassociation, thus increasing the delivery of oxygen from the blood to the cells.
  4. Ozone and hydrogen peroxide are anti-neoplastic, which means that they inhibit the growth of new tissues such as tumors.
  5. They oxidize and degrade petrochemicals.
  6. They increase red blood cell membrane flexibility and effectiveness.
  7. Oxygen therapies increase the production of interferon and Tumor Necrosis Factor, which the body uses to fight infections and cancers.
  8. They increase the efficiency of the anti-oxidant enzyme system, which scavenges excess free radicals in the body.
  9. They accelerate the citric acid cycle, which is the main cycle for the liberation of energy from sugars. This then stimulates basic metabolism.
  10. Oxygen therapies increase tissue oxygenation, thus bringing about patient improvement.

Ozone (O3) is an energized form of oxygen with extra electrons. It forms the protective ozone layer around the planet, yet becomes a pollutant when mixed with hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide from automobile and factory emissions. Because ozone is an effective bactericide and fungicide, over 2000 municipalities around the world purify their drinking water with ozone. Ozone is a bactericidal, virucidal, antifungal and antiprotozoan therapeutic agent.

The five primary ways to administer medical ozone, sometimes in combination, include:

  1. Autohemotherapy (remove blood from the body, ozonate it, return it by injection into muscle or vein)
  2. Rectal insufflation (like an enema, but with ozonated oxygen)
  3. Ozone “bagging” body, except for head, or body part placed in a bag, then filled with ozonated air)
  4. Ozonated oil (used externally, and sometimes internally)
  5. Injection into/near painful joints.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide (H202) is made up of two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms. A powerful oxidizer, hydrogen peroxide kills bacteria, virii and fungi. A 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide is commonly used to externally disinfect wounds. Higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide are used extensively in the agricultural, food and chemical industries as a disinfectant, water purifier and bleaching agent. It is also a common ingredient in contact lens cleaners, eye drops and mouthwashes.

Hydrogen peroxide is involved in all of life’s vital processes, and must be present for the immune system to function properly. The cells in the body that fight infection (known as granulocytes) produce hydrogen peroxide as a first line of defense against invading organisms like parasites, virii, bacteria and yeast. Hydrogen peroxide has long been used medically as a disinfectant, antiseptic and oxidizer, but has only recently been found to successfully treat a wide variety of human diseases with a minimum of harmful side effects.

The most common form of hydrogen peroxide therapy used by doctors is as an intravenous drip. For use at home, some individuals add a cup of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to a bathtub of warm water and soak for 20 to 30 minutes as the hydrogen peroxide is absorbed through the skin. Others drink a glass of water to which several drops or more of food or reagent grade hydrogen peroxide have been added. Although there have been reports of improved health with oral use, physicians like Dr. Farr believed that taking hydrogen peroxide orally could have a corrosive and tumorous effect on the stomach and small intestine and advised against using it. There is animal research supporting this caution.

Instructions for oral use. Use under supervision.
Food grade (35%) H2O2 is used internally since the common OTC USP 3% H2O2 contains small amounts of chemical stabilizers and other impurities. It can still be used if food grade is unavailable. Be careful in handling high concentrations as they can irritate the skin and induce vomiting when ingested.

A typical starting dosage is one ounce of 0.5% (1/70 dilution of 35%) H2O2 in water although some people find they need to start with less. As the peroxide contacts pathogens in the stomach it liberates free oxygen and some people experience slight nausea while the reaction is occurring. The dosage is increased by an ounce per day, up to five ounces on the fifth day, then finally up to 5 ounces tid for a week (or until disease is no longer present). The dosage is then tapered back down to nothing over a five week period.

An alternate dosage regimen uses 3 drops of 35% H2O2 in at least 4 ounces (120ml) of water 3 times daily, which is then increased by a drop per dose, per day, up to 25 drops per dose in extreme cases. Candidiasis victims should start at one drop per dose, and build their tolerance gradually. Some find that the ‘chlorine’ taste is unpleasant and may wish to chase it with plain water or fruit juice. Citrus juices, in particular, mask the taste fairly well.

Although ozone and hydrogen peroxide are highly toxic in their purified state, they have been found to be both safe and effective when diluted to therapeutic levels for medical use in widely accepted procedures. When administered in prescribed amounts by a qualified practitioner, the chances of experiencing adverse reactions to oxygen therapies are extremely small. For example, a German study on 384,775 patients, evaluating the adverse side effects of over five million medically administered ozone treatments, found that the rate of adverse side effects was only 0.0007 per application. This figure is far lower than any other type of medical therapy.

It has been estimated that over ten million people (primarily in Germany, Russia and Cuba) have been given oxygen therapies over the past seventy years to treat over fifty different diseases. In some cases, oxygen therapies are administered alone, while in others they are used in addition to traditional medical procedures (such as surgery or chemotherapy) or as adjuncts to alternative health practices.

Even plants grow better when watered with an ounce of 3% H2O2 added per quart. You can spray the same concentration on their leaves as well. Seeds germinate faster, with bigger sprouts, when they are first soaked in 1 ounce of 3% H2O2 per pint of water. Instead of cutting trees that are diseased or otherwise struggling, consider spraying them also.

Adding seven drops of 35% H2O2 to a gallon of drinking water and shaking well purifies it and gives it a pleasant flavor.

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