Cancer & Chlorine: It Does More Than Just Displace Iodine
“We are quite convinced, based on our study, that there is an association between cancer and chlorinated water.”
“Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine.”
“Putting chlorine in the water supplies is like starting a time bomb. Cancer, heart trouble, premature senility; both mental and physical, are conditions attributable to chlorine treated water supplies. It is making us grow old before our time by producing symptoms of aging, such as hardening of the arteries.”
Dr. Herbert Schwarts Biological Chemist
“Nothing can negate the incontrovertible fact, the basic cause of atherosclerosis and resulting entities such as heart attacks and stroke, is chlorine.”
Joseph Price, M.D. Coronaries, Cholesterol and Chlorine
“I deal extensively on several newsgroups that focus on animal cancers – particularly feline leukemia, mast cell tumors, etc. I am amazed by the upsurge in these kind of cases and the only common element I can find in all of it is water. That’s right. I have 28 cats of my own and they all drink from a pond – none of them have ever developed any kind of cancer, nor have those of my friends who are committed to avoiding chlorinated water. The correlation is too widespread to ignore out of hand.”
There is a lot of good material supporting in the public domain supporting abstinence from chlorinated water – and even using pools and spas that use halogens (i.e. chlorine and bromine) to clean the water. (This is, in fact, the reason we created H3O for Spas & Pools.)
One of the best sources is, and there are plenty more on our H3O Spa page itself.
If you have any questions about the importance of avoiding chlorine, you owe it to yourself to do a little research …
The Harry
Hoxsey Connection
Though we deal with the chronicles of 20th century cancer specialist and naturopath, Harry Hoxsey, N.D., on a separate page – no mention is made, in the book, movie, or subsequent web pages that have been devoted to him, of the real active ingredient in his internal tonic. An unassuming, forthright man, he didn’t attempt to hide his formulas. In his signature work, You Don’t Have To Die (1956), he reveals the ingredients in his internal product: potassium iodine, a potent antimicrobial and an ingredient in Lugol’s. The other ingredients are all herbs, some of which, like Essiac Tea, are only mildly cancerolytic.
How Much Iodine
In a Drop . . . ?
Lugol’s is now made in different strengths — differing from the original formulation (see A History of Lugol’s).
Using our formula (see sidebar at far right), you use the following calculation. Since the density of Lugol’s is close to that of water, you can use the traditional equivalency of one “metric” drop = .05mL, or 20 drops per milliliter — note that a metric drop differs from a medical drop (1/12 mL) or an Imperial drop. One ml. contains 2.913% iodine and iodine compound (potassium iodine — you divide 4,120 ml. by 120 ml to get 2.913%).
Each bottle, therefore, contains about 47.3 teaspoons. (Divide 236.52 ml. in one 8 fl. oz. bottle by 47.3, as a check sum exercise, and you get 5 ml. per teaspoon.) Using the formula we provide on the right panel, 4,120 ml. (4 liters) contains roughly 120 grams of iodine. One 8 fl. oz. container contains 6.89 grams (6,890 mg.). Divide by 47.3 and you get 145.63 mg.
Thus, 2/3 of one teaspoon yields roughly 100 mg. of iodine.
The U.S. RDA for iodine is 80 to 150 µg; the European RDA is 150 µg). Thus, one teaspoon of Lugol’s is roughly 1,000 times this amount !
If you are not using high therapeutic dosages and simply want a supplemental level, one metric drop per day (see “drop table” at right for alternative definitions) or roughly 1.45 mg. or 1,450 µg) is usually sufficient.