seaweeds and cancer esp: NH Lymphoma

Dr. Weeks’ Comment:    Seaweed is a highly nutritious and beneficial food.  It has extracts which have demonstrated considerable promise in the treatment of cancer.  to be specific:   GLANDREGEN, which we recommend contains two potent, non-toxic abnti-cancer compounds known as u-fucoidan and Laminaria ss. We encourage daily use as a detoxifying agent in the form of  Glandregen. (see below)


Seaweed extract may hold promise for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma treatment March 11, 2010 Seaweed extract may eventually emerge as a lymphoma treatment, according to laboratory research presented at the second AACR Dead Sea International Conference on Advances in Cancer Research: From the Laboratory to the Clinic, held here March 7-10, 2010.

Lymphoma is a cancer of the immune system and is classified into Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s types, which are then further classified into B-cell and T-cell groups.

“Some forms of B-cell lymphoma are especially resistant to standard treatment and thus new therapies are needed,” said Mohammad Irhimeh, Ph.D., assistant professor of hematoncology and stem cells at the Hashemite University in Jordan. “In this study, we looked at a new treatment strategy using novel active compounds derived from a natural source ¬¬”” seaweed.”

Seaweeds containing fucoidan, a sulfated polysaccharide similar to heparin in chemical structure, have been reported to have anti-tumor activity in mice and some cell lines.

For the current study, Irhimeh and colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley, and Royal Hobart Hospital in Australia treated lymphoma cell lines with a commercially available seaweed extract.

They found that the extract had an inhibitory effect on the growth of lymphoma cell lines, while leaving the control healthy cells intact. The researchers also noted a significant pattern of activity in the genes known to be linked with apoptosis, or cell death, in lymphoma.

Irhimeh said they would continue to study the mechanism of action for these biological effects and had a goal of conducting phase II or III clinical trials.




We offer brown seaweed extract as GLANDREGEN


GlandRegen (100% Natural Concentrate Brown Seaweed Extract)

Seaweed & Cancer: World wide research indicates that brown seaweed shows great promise in:

Detoxifying the body from harmful radiation due to:

– Cellular telephones

– Computer monitors

– Heavy metals (mercury, etc.)

– Chemotherapy

– Inhibiting tumor cells

– Anti-cancer substance

– Iodine thyroid support- raising body temperature towards normal;extremely important in fighting disease.

– Energizing the body

– Lowering cholesterol & high blood pressure


– Complete minerals

– Semi-predigested

– Live enzymes

– Same composition as blood – around 40 to 1 ratio concentration

The powers of seaweed have been drawn upon for thousands of years for their ability to prolong life, prevent disease, and impart beauty & health.


U-Fucoidan: Anti-Cancer Substance

Konbu (Laminaria ssp.) contains a substance that causes cancer cells to self-destruct. It has only been recently discovered in Japan that this substance is U-fucoidan, a complex polysaccharide, one among many

polysaccharides found in konbu.  In research in Japan, U-fucoidan administered to cancer cells in a

laboratory dish were virtually wiped out within 72 hours. The process by which these cells withered away

was self-induced, in that the DNA within each of the cancer cells was broken down by digestive enzymes

contained in the cells themselves. This process is known by the technical term “apoptosis”.

Although U-fucoidan is found in other seaweeds and plants, konbu is particularly rich in this substance.

And, very importantly, in order to consume fucoidan in  its pure and effective form, one has to eat konbu raw  or dried without heating. It is interesting to note that Okinawa, Japan has the lowest cancer mortality

rate in Japan where the people eat their konbu mostly,versus other parts of Japan where it is used mostly in



Alginates are heteropolysaccharides made up of mannuronic and guluronic acids.  It is widely known that alginates from brown seaweed offer the best protection from radiation and environmental pollutants. Alginates bind with heavy metals such as lead, mercury and other; radioactive elements: strontium, barium, cesium etc. and are then excreted from the body. Alginates are non-toxic and are not reabsorbed into the rest of the body from the gastrointestinal tract. Alginates do not adversely effect the body_s ability to absorb calcium and other natural minerals.

This seaweed is gathered in the clean waters of the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Forty pounds of raw Laminaria japonica is needed to make just one pound of concentrated supplement. This unique patented technology “semidigests” the tough outerlayer of seaweed fibers exposing, concentrating and making much

more bio-available the macro-and micronutrient-dense central vein of the Laminaria.

Although the nutritional and medicinal powers of seaweeds have been known for thousands of years the

scientific basis of their health benefits has been established only recently.

The ongoing research into fucoidan has conclusively demonstrated its ability to induce cancer cell apoptosis (programmed cell death) in leukemia, breast, stomach and colon cancer cell lines. This biological

data support epidemiological observations that Laminaria is an important factor contributing to the relatively low breast cancer rates reported in Japan.

The technology involved in processing Laminaria japonica preserves and at the same time concentrates  this vulnerable thermolabile substance thus making it one of the richest sources of cancer-fighting fucoidan.

Another polysaccharide inherent in fucoidan that may have anti-cancer properties is laminarin. It is known

that tumor formation and growth require a highly charged extra-cellular matrix. Solid tumors provoke

ongoing high-level fibrin leakage from surrounding capillaries. This fibrin clot gets invaded by various

cells recruited by solid tumors including fibroblasts and endothelial cells. The former cells lay down a

heavily charged matrix throughout the tumor and the later cells participate in tumor angiogenesis

(vascularization). Angiogenesis is a prerequisite for tumor expansion and metastasis. It has been shown that laminarin sulfate and fucoidan inhibit the binding of basic fibroblast growth factor (BFGF) to an

extra-cellular matrix leading to inhibition of fibrin clot invasion by tumor- recruited fibroblasts and endothelial cells suggesting a novel approach to tumor therapy based on blocking angiogenesis.

Cancer metastasis involves the tumor cell adhesion to host tissue basement membrane followed by tissue

invasion facilitated by tumor cell surface and PA (urokinaze-type plasminogen activator) associated

plasminogen activation. Fucoidan interferes with cancer cells metastasis (anti-metastatic activity) by

inhibition of physical interaction between the tumor cells and basement membrane as well as suppression of the proteolytic cascade of plasminogen activation.

Interaction and organization of cells and tissue in general and tumor and host cells in particular may be

mediated by the interactions between cell membrane polysaccharides and the corresponding protein

receptor. Fucoidan, a sulfated fucopolysaccharide, inhibits the adhesion process (cell-cell interaction)

by blocking lectin-like adhesion molecules (glycoproteins) on cell surfaces and therefore interfering with tumor cell colonization (metastasis).

Another mechanism of antiproliferative (anti-tumor) properties of fucoidan was shown in vitro and in vivo

on a cell line derived from a nonsmall-cell human bronchopulmonary carcinoma (particularly chemoresistant tumor). Fucoidan exerted antiproliferative activity with a block observed in  the G1 phase of the cell cycle.

It has also been demonstrated that fucoidan acts as a so-called activator of the reticulo-endothelial

system, specifically as an enhancer of phagocytosis.This suggests another aspect of antitumor activity of

fucoidan related to the activation of macrophage-mediated tumor cell killing.

There are also non-polysaccharide fractions from Laminaria that have been found to have a significant cancer-preventative anti-mutagenic (anti-DNA damage) activity against typical genotoxic substances.

Another promising use of the sulfated polysaccharides fucoidan and laminarin is in the prevention and

treatment of cardiovascular disease. Several mechanisms are involved: the inhibition of smooth muscle cell proliferation (monoclonal hyperplasia) which is an important step in atherogeneses; activation of enzymes involved in the beta-oxidation of fatty acids which can be useful in the prevention and treatment of hyperlipedemia. Laminarin has been shown to have a hypotensive effect. It also exhibits 30% of the anticoagulant activity of heparin.

All of these properties of sulfated polysaccharides  make Lamonica clinically applicable in the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease,  cerebrovascular disease, atherosclerosis, carcinogenesis and cancer metastasis.

Another extremely important area of application is in environmental medicine. Polysaccharide laminarin has been shown in four animal species (mice, guineapigs, dogs, and monkeys) to prevent acute radiation sickness and death (about LD90) when administered within 24 hours after radiation exposure. This research suggests that the brown seaweed Laminaria can be clinically useful in the treatment and prevention of the adverse effects of ionizing radiation.

The non-digestible polysaccharide alginate has the unique ability of binding heavy metals and radioactive

substances to its own molecules.  As the alginate is non-digestible it is excreted from the body together

with toxic compounds. This is particularly important for cadmium and mercury, as these metals are found at dangerously high levels in air, water and food. Alginate can also remove isotopes that have previously

been absorbed by the human body from the environment. Even small amounts of radioactive pollution will

expose surrounding cells to harmful radioactive emission. The way alginate facilitates the excretion of toxic substances that find their way into the body from the environment can be shown using, as an example, the elimination of radioactive strontium:

Sr 2+ (food)


Sr 2+ (in GI tract) + alginate = strontium alginate



Sr 2+ (blood)


Sr 2+ (bones)

A percentage of Strontium molecules stored in the bone structure (or any other toxic substance stored in the

tissue) is constantly released and is traveling with the blood stream. As the blood feeds the saliva and bile, part of the released strontium or other toxic metal ends up in the large intestine. Most of the liquid in the large intestine is reabsorbed by the body including the radioactive isotopes and heavy metals which are re-deposited back into the tissue. Alginate can break this process, as toxic substances are bound to the alginate molecules and released from the body with feces.  Alginate binds to all heavy metals including lead, mercury, cadmium, cobalt, copper and radium.

The product should be consumed over at least a four-month period to expedite removal of toxic substances stored in the body as a result of previous cumulative exposure. It is an excellent bio-available source of organic iodine which is extremely helpful in treating thyroid disorders. Also in bio-available forms are the B vitamins, calcium, selenium, chromium, amino acids and many more trace elements. Clinical studies also show it can be effective in lowering cholesterol, triglyceride levels and high blood sugar, aiding digestion and elimination, strengthening hair and nails (including hair re-growth after radiation), and increasing energy.

Vladimir P. Shurlan, M.D.

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