Toxic electrcity – a friend succumbs

No, I haven’t been hiding in a cave for the past 2 weeks (although I may have well been as I have had no internet access!!) just been moving to get away from the friendly neighborhood cell tower down the block which has caused me health effects and have had no internet for nearly 2 weeks…I can no longer use WIFI as I get a bad headache and had to wait for them to install hard wired access in my new place.  However, it just so happens that these past 2 weeks have been excruciatingly important in the EMF world.  In case you’ve been nearly under a rock like I have, here are some of the highlights.  My apologies to those of you for which this is not new news.  Just bare with me…I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t email this out even though I know it is old hat by now.  I will follow this email with some new legislative news.

CNN, Sanjay Gupta Coverage Cell Phones/Brain Cancer
Prof. Olle Johanson, world renowned and respected scientist on EMF who reports on biological and health effects has been discriminated against at the Karolinka Inst., home of the Nobel Peace Prize, where his colleagues including Anders Albohm and Maria Feychting enjoy who share the industry POV on this issue enjoy no such discrimination.
Please take a moment to write and defend Olle Johansson’s position at the Karolinska Institute.

The following was reported about this incident:

“With his economy strictly in order, with no anonymous accusations supported by actual facts, and his research unassailable, his meager salary found to be below that of his colleagues Johansson was called to a management meeting where he was told that he should abandon his offices in favor of smaller premises for reasons of “personal development” and “because he is a poor scientist”.”

President of the Institute is Prof. Harriet Wallberg-Henriksson, e-mail is:
Cc: Staffan Cullheim, Chairman, Department of Neuroscience, e-mail:

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