- Advice for Health Canada regarding Wi-Fi, cell phone antennas, and other forms of radio frequency emitting devices.October 8, 2011. On October 4, 2011, Health Canada issued a warning for those under the age of 18 to limit their cell phone use. Click here for document. This warning comes 5 months (May 31, 2011) after the World Health Organization classified ra
International Experts’ Perspective on the Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR).June 11, 2011. Below are some of the key resolutions/appeals released by expert scientific groups around the world since 1998, regarding the biological and health effects of both low frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) associated with electric
WHO’s new classification of RFR: What does this mean for Canada?June 5, 2011. The World Health Organization classifies radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic. What does this mean for Canadians? After a week-long meeting in Lyon, France, the International Agency for Research on Canc
May 2011: A month in review-IARC, WHO radio frequency possible human carcinogen; PACE dangers of electromagnetic fieldsMay 2011. A Month in Review. A lot has happened during the month of May in the EMR arena. 1. Scientists with strong Industry ties no longer tolerated as “experts” on International Panel. It is well know that too many “experts”,
Havas Report on Smart Meters for CCSTJanuary 17, 2011. The California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) released their report on Smart meters “Health Impacts of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters”. Click here to download this document. CCST invited me to submit a written repo
Population Control & Microwave RadiationJanuary 10, 2011. The purpose of my website it to provide information about different types of electromagnetic pollution and what people can do to protect themselves and to regain their health. I try to present scientific information to a lay audie
Smart Meter installation challengedDecember 3, 2010. Emily Parkhurst writes: SCARBOROUGH ”” The Town Council voted unanimously Wednesday to ask the Maine Public Utilities Commission to prohibit Central Maine Power Co. from installing “smart” electric meters in town until more inf
Are Wireless Smart Meters Safe?December 2, 2010. Information provided to the public by those who are promoting Wireless Smart Meters is misleading and factually incorrect! Below is a document that was produced by Iberdrola USA and Central Maine Power. Can you find the one fact
Wireless Smart Meter Kills Plant.December 1, 2010. Wireless Smart Meters for “Do It Yourself” home studies. If the electric utility has recently installed a new wireless Smart Meter on the side of your house, you might be able to do your own plant experiments using simple b
If WiFi harms trees, what about children?November 24, 2010. The debate about WiFi being used in schools continues to escalate as new research from the Netherlands shows that when ash trees are exposed to radiation emitted by WiFi base station antennas, the leaves discolor and gradually di