Why just ask the Donkey

Dr. Weeks’ Comment:  this poem is shared with family and friends and loved ones trying to love.






Just ask the donkey in me

To speak to the donkey in you,

When I have so many other beautiful animals

And brilliant colored birds inside

That are all longing to say something wonderful

And exciting to your heart?


Let’s open all the locked doors upon our eyes

That keep us from knowing the Intelligence

That begets love

And a more lively and satisfying conversation

With the Friend.


Let’s turn loose our golden falcons

So that they can meet in the sky

Where our spirits belong –

Necking like two Hot kids.


Let’s hold hands and get drunk near the sun

And sing sweet songs to God until He joins us with a few notes

From His own sublime lute and drum.


If you have a better idea

Of how to pass a lonely night

After your glands may have performed

All their little magic

Then speak up sweethearts, speak up,

For Hafiz and all the world will listen.


Why just bring your donkey to me

Asking for stale hay

And a boring conference with the idiot

In regards to this precious matter -Such a precious matter as love,

When I have so many other divine animals

And brilliant colored birds inside

That are all longing to so sweetly greet You!


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