Dr. Weeks’ Comment: The role of anti-inflammatory agents and cancer is a two-edged sword. Safe anti-inflammatory agents like the delicious drink SOUL (whose ingredients have proven anti-cancer properties) are beneficial whereas Tylenol has been implicated as a cause of cancer. Why not take a natural product made from whole organic non-GMO seeds to gain the benefits of anti-inflammation and fight cancer naturally.
Acetaminophen tied to blood cancers | Reuters
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – New research shows chronic users of acetaminophen, a top-selling painkiller known as Tylenol in the U.S. and paracetamol in Europe, are at slightly increased risk for blood
Study: Tylenol, acetaminophen linked to causing blood cancer …
(NaturalNews) A new study out of the University of Washington (UW) provides even more evidence that taking over-the-counter painkillers can kill you. Published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, the study explains that taking acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, for extended periods of
Does tylenol cause cancer? | ChaCha – Questions & Answers …
Does tylenol cause cancer? ChaCha Answer: Tylenol is taken as a pain reliever and a fever reducer. If you take Tylenol for four days …
Liver Cancer from Acetaminophen Usage?!? – Cancer: Pancreatic …
I have heard there may be a link between long term tylenol use with developing liver and kidney cancers? I have utilized tylenol for the last 3-4
Acetaminophen Side Effects May Be Linked to Blood Cancers …
Frequent and long-term users of acetaminophen may face an increased risk of blood cancer, according to new research. In a study published this week by the
Chronic Tylenol Use May Be Linked to Blood Cancer, Study …
TUESDAY May 10, 2011 — Those who take acetaminophen — best known as Tylenol — regularly for some time might be putting themselves at an increased risk for developing certain blood cancers, University of Washington researchers report.
But it is the case that anti-inflammatory agents can help….
Acetaminophen linked to lower prostate cancer risk in new …
A new study from American Cancer Society researchers finds use of 30 tablets a month or more of acetaminophen for five or more years was associated with an estimated 38% lower risk of prostate cancer.
……. they just can’t help as safely as does SOUL does!