Dr. Weeks’ Comment: Tiger is in trouble again but not legal trouble. he may have been cheating. His doctor is in trouble because he may have done the only illegal action he could have with HGH; It is illegal for someone to distribute HGH to a competitive athlete for the purpose of performance. BUT….. It is NOT illegal for a doctor to give HGH to a patient who needs it. To give HGH for healing is good medicine (ask Mark Cuban owner of Dallas Mavericks NBA team). But every time we read about HGH in the news, it is because of a doctor helping an athlete cheat. But HGH is safe and effective and the best natural substances which helps people age well. Read all about it HERE HERE
Tiger Woods spent $200K on treatments from HGH guru Anthony Galea and an associate, according to new book
Woods and Galea have both maintained the golfer was never treated with performance-enhancing drugs but with platelet-rich plasma injections, which are legal, to promote healing.

Tiger Woods paid Canadian human growth hormone guru Anthony Galea and an associate almost $200,000 for 63 visits to the golfer’s home between September of 2008 and October of 2009, according to a recently released book that raises new questions about the drugs and treatment the Toronto sports physician provided the four-time Masters champion.
Galea received more than $76,000 for visiting Woods 14 times while Woods recovered from knee surgery between January and August of 2009, according to “Blood Sport” by Tim Elfrink and Gus Garcia-Roberts. The book also cites a Florida Department of Health investigation that found Mark Lindsay, Galea’s associate, charged Woods more than $118,000 for 49 visits.
Both doctors also treated Yankee star Alex Rodriguez, who is serving a 162-game suspension for his involvement in Major League Baseball’s Biogenesis scandal. The book maintains that Woods and A-Rod discussed their simultaneous treatments by the two physicians.
Galea pleaded guilty in 2011 in a Buffalo federal courtroom to a felony charge of bringing misbranded and unapproved drugs, including performance-enhancing drugs, into the United States.
“Blood Sport” suggests that Woods’ relationship with Galea was far more extensive than previously known. The New York Times reported in 2010 that Galea had treated Woods at least four times, but the book indicates that Galea and Lindsay had met with Woods dozens of times.
The book quotes Woods’ former swing coach, Hank Haney, saying he did not know the specifics of Galea’s meetings with Woods. When pressed on Tuesday by Golf Digest, Haney said he never saw anything illegal occur during the doctors’ visits to Woods’ Florida home.

“I was there three or four of the times Anthony Galea was there, and I didn’t see anything,” Haney said. “I can only talk about what I saw. I never saw Tiger do anything like that. Even if he did, I’m not sure how it would help him. He’s bigger and stronger from all the working out he does, but he’s not faster or longer because of it. And it’s not like he’s avoiding injuries.”
Major League Baseball attempted to obtain testimony from the grand jury that indicted Galea to use in the Biogenesis investigation that led to Rodriguez’s suspension, but a federal judge blocked its motion to unseal the testimony last year.
The News had previously reported that Lindsay had deep ties to BALCO, the San Francisco-area lab that provided designer steroids to athletes. BALCO founder Victor Conte told the Daily News in 2009 that Lindsay was part of a group called “Project World Record” that intended to make Olympic track star Tim Montgomery the fastest man in the world.
Lindsay also worked with BALCO-linked athletes Marion Jones and Bill Romanowski.
Woods and Galea have both maintained the golfer was never treated with performance-enhancing drugs but with platelet-rich plasma injections, which are legal, to promote healing.