Dr. Weeks’ Comment: I love eating seeds in general and chia seeds in particular.
Gram for gram, chia seeds have 70 percent more protein than soybeans and 25 percent more fiber than flaxseed. Two tablespoons of chia also contain 5.1 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart health by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.
Organic Chia Seeds by Robert Cohen - the not-milkman "In terms of nutritional content, a tablespoon of chia is like a smoothie made from salmon, spinach, and human growth hormone. As tiny as those seeds are, they're super-packed with Omega-3s, protein, calcium, iron, zinc, fiber and antioxidants." ”• Monica Van Zandt, Chia Seed Superfood * * * * Like pet rocks, chia seeds were once the faddish "pets" of millions of infomercial-watching consumers. In 2014, Chia Seeds represent a nutrient-dense food preferred by countless endurance athletes (Ironman triathletes, marathon runners, and Tour de France cyclists) and body builders. After reading about chia seeds in Robert Cheeke's "Vegan Body Building" and in Christopher McDougall's account of secret super-athletes in "Born to Run", chia has become an added factor in my own diet. Chia seeds contain plenty of protein and a full range of amino acids as well as essential Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils. They also contain plenty of fiber, five times the amount of calcium as an equal amount of cow's milk, twice as much potassium by weight as my favorite fruit, bananas, and triple the amount of antioxidants as blueberries. The Tarahumara Indians depicted in MacDougall's book credit their ability to run 100-mile races to their consumption of chia seeds. According to the United States Department of Agriculture's Nutrient Data Lab, a 100-gram portion of Chia Seeds contains: 631 milligrams of calcium (100-grams of cow's milk contains 113) 335 milligrams of magnesium (100-grams of broccoli contains 21) 860 milligrams of phosphorus (100-grams of spinach contains 49) Gram for gram, chia seeds have 70 percent more protein than soybeans and 25 percent more fiber than flaxseed. Two tablespoons of chia also contain 5.1 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart health by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. I once purchased chia seeds at health conferences and triathlon expositions. They are available too at health food stores and at many supermarkets, including Whole Foods. I now obtain my chia seeds from the Organic Chia company in Florida which sells only USA-grown chia. Organic Chia has earned a Seal of Approval from the Nutritional Science Research Institute (NSRI), a nonprofit organization committed to providing education about proper use of nutritional supplements. Each morning, I add two tablespoons of chia seeds to a simple smoothie made with a banana, water, and ice cubes added to my VitaMix machine. Instant nutrition! What genius was it, I wonder, who first rejected the sprouting Chia seed as a pet and recognized that same seed potential to be a food?