Dr. Weeks’ Comment: Paul Doyen is doing a great job keeping us all informed about electrical pollution in general and cell phone / WIFI in particular. Time to listen closely.
http://electromagneticsafeplanet.com/ http://www.emfrefugee.co/
Brain and CNS (central nervous system) tumors are among the most common
cancers occurring in the 0-14 age group – 32.4%of all cancers in this age groupcompared to 4.4% of all cancers in age group 15-39 years,and2.2% of cancers in adults age 40+ years). (p.1 of study)For the age group 15-39 years, in the US between 2008 and 2012,cancer is the number 4 cause of death (p.3 of study),which makes it the number one cause of death by disease
- accidents: 32.95 deaths per 100,000,
- suicide: 12.77 deaths per 100,000, and
- homicide: 10.06 per 100,000
- cancer: 8.78 deaths per 100,000 persons
From: Joel MOSKOWITZ <jmm@berkeley.edu>
Date: Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 6:07 PM
Subject: New review paper finds that cellphone and cordless phone use causes brain cancer
To: CHE-EMF <cheemf@lists.healthandenvironment.org>
A newly published review paper by Michael Carlberg and Lennart Hardell evaluates the strength of the scientific evidence to determine whether there is a causal relationship between a risk factor and an associated disease — namely, wireless (cellphone and cordless) phone use and glioma, the most common brain cancer. The paper applies the nine perspectives developed by Sir Austin Bradford Hill to the peer-reviewed data pertaining to this health risk.
The paper alleges that official bodies that have reviewed the evidence on mobile phone use and health risks have been dominated by individuals with conflicts of interest. Moreover, these experts have relied upon data from methodologically unsound studies, including the Danish Cohort Study and a UK cohort study, to dismiss the evidence from case-control studies.
Based on that we conclude that glioma is caused by RF radiation. Revision of current guidelines for exposure to RF radiation is needed.”
Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director
Center for Family and Community Health
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
Website: http://www.saferemr.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SaferE
1. Doctor Who Stood Up to Monsanto & Declared Agent Orange Carcinogenic Warns Us on Wireless
Please watch this video where he discusses why wireless in school should be banned.
Read Dr. Hardell’s letter on wireless radiation to MCPS
Read a New York Times article from the 1990’s on Dr. Hardell and Agent Orange
Dr. Lennart Hardell has a scientific blog. Click here.
See some of his research here.
Help Us Help You
Each person harmed by wireless technology is evidence that wireless technology is harmful. WATE’s ability to compel action on the epidemic of electrosensitivity depends on our capacity to prove it. The evidence is the people who have become sick by wireless technology.
If you have become injured by wireless technology radiation, help us to help you fight for your rights by sharing your “I Am The Evidence” story with us: YOU ARE THE EVIDENCE that wireless technology is harmful.
Personal stories are the most important tool for advocacy to awaken society to the hidden tragedies. Your story will help us confront society with the suffering this technology is creating, the lives it is destroying, and the basic human rights it is violating. For those with privacy concerns, WATE provides options as to how and where your “I Am The Evidence” story will be shared. Fill out the “I Am The Evidence” form to share your story and help us help you.
EMR-Updates (Sent from a Hard-Wired Computer – for our Health)
“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”