Dr. Weeks’ Comment: As my readers know, I have been urging people to eat the seed of organic fruits and vegetables for a decade and also have taught thousands of people how to eat the entire avocado – pit and all! Nutritionists thought I was crazy. Now they understand and are following suit. Make certain though that the avocado is organic Non-organic avocados store pesticides in the pit. Avoid that. Eat only organic!
And my THANKS to the brilliant Dr. Saul Pilar MD for sharing this article with me!
No longer content to merely spread it on their toast, people are eating the pits of avocados.
Is the trend just another example of nutrition pseudoscience?

If you’re like most people, you slice your avocados in half lengthwise, dislodge the pit (hopefully without gravely injuring your hand) and discard it along with the skin. You’ve probably never even given the pit a second thought – besides determining the least cumbersome way to remove it.
But as The Takeout reports, there are a growing number of people who deem the seed an antioxidant bomb much too valuable to be discarded. Instead of tossing it, they dehydrate the pit in a low-temperature oven, pulverize it using a blender or mallet, and then add the resulting powder to smoothies, tea, baked goods and more.
While avocado flesh is widely valued for its heart-healthy fats and high nutrient value – it contains roughly 20 vitamins and minerals and more potassium than a banana – eating the pit is controversial. Proponents such as One Green Planet
claim that the seed “holds 70 per cent of the avocado’s antioxidants” and “more soluble fibre than even top tier fibre providers.” Its oil content prevents wrinkles and makes hair more luminous, advocates say, while its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce appetite.
Blogger Elena Wilkins, who has reportedly been eating avocado pits since 2013, told Well+Good that she includes them in her diet because of claims that they can help with gastrointestinal issues. “While there is not much research on the avocado pit, I did not find much against consuming it,” she said. “And with lack of evidence, I don’t easily sway to popular opinion.” As for the flavour, Wilkins describes it as neutral with a touch of bitterness.
Back in 2016, when the trend first hit social media, the California Avocado Commission weighed in on whether or not eating the pit is safe. Their verdict: “We don’t recommend it.” While there have been studies examining the effects of avocado seed extracts, the Commission wrote, “the fact is there is not enough research to support consuming an avocado seed. The purported health benefits and risks of avocado seed intake are poorly characterized.”