Dr. Weeks’ Comment: The seed concentrates nutrients 20-30 times more than the flesh of the fruit or vegetable it grew in. The seed is the child of the plant, so this extraordinary bioaccumulation of health giving nutrition in the seed makes sense to parents who invest so much in helping their kids become independent and autonomous thriving adults. The skin is also a treasure chest: it has typically twice as much vitamin C as the fruit in the case of citrus. The pit of the avocado – supremely nutritional! Why do you and most humans not eat the seed and the skin? Too bitter… so watch how to eat the whole thing!
How to Eat the Whole Fruit or Vegetable
Here is the most nutritious lemonade in the world! We have whole lemon (skin, rind, seeds and fruit) and also whole fingerling banana (skin and all!) and it is delicious!
WATCH HERE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dd05ra1990cxker/Lemonade.m4v?dl=0&fbclid=IwAR1enB7-DXfCthaERpogqbQSp_rRQ3-rUzj18Ukc_RJYGFOwre6D7OLRwrE
Fresh organic citrus with a bit of honey and ice and wow!
WATCH HERE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/auoyef02cqhcxgl/Citrus.m4v?dl=0
Eat the WHOLE avocado – skin, pit flesh and all!
WATCH HERE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3b6k1cqakbg8emj/Eat%20the%20whole%20Avocado%20almond%20milk.m4v?dl=0