A Unifying Theory of Cancer

Dr. Weeks’ Comment: In a brilliant conceptual siege against the globally disappointing standard of care in fighting cancer, a gentleman who had skin cancer and started doing research and subsequently succeeded in clarifying what causes cancer and how to survive it and thrive. He is not a formally trained scientist but is a free thinker who argues that cancer is a disregulated response to a chronic inflammatory intracellular infection.

Intrigued at what this graphic designer turned life saver has to share?
Well study here his synopsis regarding cancer being a dysregulated response to an infection https://www.cellsuppression.com/#synopsisfree

Best book is:  The Cancer Resolution by Mark Lintern  Available from Amazon.

See his website https://www.cellsuppression.com/

Best book is:  The Cancer Resolution by Mark Lintern  Available from Amazon


AND here are some scientific studies endorsing the role of anti-parasite drugs in cancer:

Repurposing Itraconazole as a Treatment for Advanced Prostate Cancer: A Noncomparative Randomized Phase II Trial in Men With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer


The antifungal drug itraconazole inhibits angiogenesis and Hedgehog signaling and delays tumor growth in murine prostate cancer xenograft models. We conducted a noncomparative, randomized, phase II study evaluating the antitumor efficacy of two doses of oral itraconazole in men with metastatic prostate cancer.


The high-dose arm enrolled to completion (n = 29), but the low-dose arm closed early (n = 17) because of a prespecified futility rule. The PPFS rates at 24 weeks were 11.8% in the low-dose arm and 48.0% in the high-dose arm. The median PFS times were 11.9 weeks and 35.9 weeks, respectively. PSA response rates were 0% and 14.3%, respectively. In addition, itraconazole had favorable effects on CTC counts, and it suppressed Hedgehog signaling in skin biopsy samples. Itraconazole did not reduce serum testosterone or dehydroepiandrostenedione sulfate levels. Common toxicities included fatigue, nausea, anorexia, rash, and a syndrome of hypokalemia, hypertension, and edema.


High-dose itraconazole (600 mg/day) has modest antitumor activity in men with metastatic CRPC that is not mediated by testosterone suppression.


High-Dose Itraconazole As a Noncastrating Therapy for a Patient With Biochemically Recurrent Prostate Cancer

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clgc.2013.11.015Get rights and content


Optimal management of patients with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer after local therapy is controversial. Although treatment with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is considered standard in men with metastatic disease, the role of ADT for biochemical recurrence is less clear, and there are limited therapeutic options that can delay disease progression or improve survival in these patients. Furthermore, ADT is associated with significant adverse effects, including fatigue, hot flashes, loss of libido, loss of bone mineral density, sarcopenia, increased adiposity, metabolic abnormalities, and increased risk of coronary artery disease and other vascular complications.1, 2 Thus, there is interest in developing noncastrating therapies in this setting that can improve clinical outcomes.
Itraconazole is a US Food and Drug Administration–approved antifungal drug used in the treatment of various mycoses that was repurposed as an antineoplastic agent after a screening effort identified that it could potently inhibit Hedgehog (Hh) pathway signaling in cancer.3 Following from these preclinical studies, a phase II clinical trial suggested that itraconazole prescribed at high doses (600 mg/d) may have a role as an antineoplastic agent in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) who had not previously received chemotherapy.4 In that trial, modest clinical activity was demonstrated using high-dose itraconazole in this setting, as evidenced by longer PSA progression–free survival and radiographic progression–free survival compared with historical controls. Of note, treatment with itraconazole did not appear to have a significant effect on testosterone levels in these men with CRPC, suggesting that its clinical activity (unlike that of ketoconazole) may be independent of androgen modulation.
To date, the clinical and endocrine effects of itraconazole in men with non-castrate biochemically recurrent prostate cancer are unknown. Here, we describe a case of a patient with biochemical recurrence treated with high-dose itraconazole who achieved a PSA response that was not associated with androgen suppression.

Case Report

A 65-year-old man presented with biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer. He was initially diagnosed in 2004 after having an elevated PSA reading. At the time of initial diagnosis, he had clinical stage T1c disease, and a prostate biopsy showed adenocarcinoma with Gleason score 3 + 4 = 7. He underwent radical prostatectomy in January 2005, which demonstrated Gleason 4 + 3 = 7 prostate adenocarcinoma associated with extraprostatic extension and node-negative disease, yielding a final


High-dose itraconazole (600 mg/d) has demonstrated modest clinical activity in men with metastatic CRPC.4 Its efficacy in that setting appeared to be independent of testosterone or DHEA suppression, although all men in that study also continued receiving treatment with standard ADT and had castrate serum testosterone levels at study entry. The present case report allows us to examine the clinical and endocrine effects of itraconazole in a man with normal androgen levels as well as nonmetastatic


Noncastrating therapies with a mechanism of action distinct from those targeting the androgen receptor axis, such as itraconazole, represent a promising future option for the treatment of both biochemically recurrent and advanced prostate cancer.

Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phrs.2020.105207Get rights and content


  • Ivermectin effectively suppresses the proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells and promotes cancer cell death at doses that are nontoxic to normal cells.
  • Ivermectin shows excellent efficacy against conventional chemotherapy drug-resistant cancer cells and reverses multidrug resistance.
  • Ivermectin combined with other chemotherapy drugs or targeted drugs has powerful effects on cancer.
  • The structure of crosstalk centered on PAK1 kinase reveals the mechanism by which ivermectin regulates multiple signaling pathways.
  • Ivermectin has been used to treat parasitic diseases in humans for many years and can quickly enter clinical trials for the treatment of tumors.


 2021 Jan; 163: 105207.
Published online 2020 Sep 21. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2020.105207
PMCID: PMC7505114
PMID: 32971268

Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug

Mingyang Tang,a,b,1 Xiaodong Hu,c,1 Yi Wang,a,d Xin Yao,a,d Wei Zhang,a,b Chenying Yu,a,b Fuying Cheng,a,b Jiangyan Li,a,d and Qiang Fanga,d,e,*

Summary and outlooks

Malignant tumors are one of the most serious diseases that threaten human health and social development today, and chemotherapy is one of the most important methods for the treatment of malignant tumors. In recent years, many new chemotherapeutic drugs have entered the clinic, but tumor cells are prone to drug resistance and obvious adverse reactions to these drugs. Therefore, the development of new drugs that can overcome resistance, improve anticancer activity, and reduce side effects is an urgent problem to be solved in chemotherapy. Drug repositioning is a shortcut to accelerate the development of anticancer drugs.

As mentioned above, the broad-spectrum antiparasitic drug IVM, which is widely used in the field of parasitic control, has many advantages that suggest that it is worth developing as a potential new anticancer drug. IVM selectively inhibits the proliferation of tumors at a dose that is not toxic to normal cells and can reverse the MDR of tumors. Importantly, IVM is an established drug used for the treatment of parasitic diseases such as river blindness and elephantiasis. It has been widely used in humans for many years, and its various pharmacological properties, including long- and short-term toxicological effects and drug metabolism characteristics are very clear. In healthy volunteers, the dose was increased to 2 mg/Kg, and no serious adverse reactions were found, while tests in animals such as mice, rats, and rabbits found that the median lethal dose (LD50) of IVM was 10-50 mg/Kg [] In addition, IVM has also been proven to show good permeability in tumor tissues []. Unfortunately, there have been no reports of clinical trials of IVM as an anticancer drug. There are still some problems that need to be studied and resolved before IVM is used in the clinic.

(1) Although a large number of research results indicate that IVM affects multiple signaling pathways in tumor cells and inhibits proliferation, IVM may cause antitumor activity in tumor cells through specific targets. However, to date, no exact target for IVM action has been found. (2) IVM regulates the tumor microenvironment, inhibits the activity of tumor stem cells and reduces tumor angiogenesis and tumor metastasis. However, there is no systematic and clear conclusion regarding the related molecular mechanism. Therefore, in future research, it is necessary to continue to explore the specific mechanism of IVM involved in regulating the tumor microenvironment, angiogenesis and EMT. (3) It has become increasingly clear that IVM can induce a mixed cell death mode involving apoptosis, autophagy and pyroptosis depending on the cell conditions and cancer type. Identifying the predominant or most important contributor to cell death in each cancer type and environment will be crucial in determining the effectiveness of IVM-based treatments. (4) IVM can enhance the sensitivity of chemotherapeutic drugs and reduce the production of resistance. Therefore, IVM should be used in combination with other drugs to achieve the best effect, while the specific medication plan used to combine IVM with other drugs remains to be explored.

Most of the anticancer research performed on the avermectin family has been focused on avermectin and IVM until now. Avermectin family drugs such as selamectin [,,], and doramectin [] also have anticancer effects, as previously reported. With the development of derivatives of the avermectin family that are more efficient and less toxic, relevant research on the anticancer mechanism of the derivatives still has great value. Existing research is sufficient to demonstrate the great potential of IVM and its prospects as a novel promising anticancer drug after additional research. We believe that IVM can be further developed and introduced clinically as part of new cancer treatments in the near future.


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