Dr. Weeks’ Comment: Fifteen years ago, when flying Thai Airways back from Thailand where I was lecturing on holistic and integrative medicine, I was awakened by a flight attendant who asked if I was a doctor because there was medical emergency. I said that I would be happy to try and help and was then taken to meet the patient. This unfortunate lady had awoken from her sleep at 40,000 feet and reached into her purse seeking for her little bottle of artificial tears. Instead, she retrieved a bottle of SuperGlue (!!!) and administered this into her eyes atop her contact lenses and now was in a sticky (and painful) situation. Well, in addition to practicing medicine, I am a beekeeper and respectful of the myriad healing properties of raw honey, in those days, I always traveled with honey. What happened next astonished even me: with the distraught lady’s permission, I applied my raw honey to her eye and gently massaged the tissues. Raw honey is a topical analgesic agent – ask one who applied it to a burned hand in the kitchen – pain gone instantly. Raw honey also converts to 20 ppm of hydrogen peroxide upon contact with the skin and it also imparts ant0biotic, anti-fungal and anti-viral benefits. More good news: raw honey is full of enzymes (remember it is honey bee vomit) and is a tremendously biologically active agent (think of dogs licking their wounds) and so, within 15 minutes, we had the contact lens out of the eye, the pain was resolved and the patient was prepared to rest for the duration of the flight.
Why am I telling you this story now, some 15 years later? Because today, my good friend and colleague, Dr. Jonathan Miller sent me this article which I share with you.