Dr. Weeks’ Comment: Stephanie Seneff Ph.D. MIT has taught me that sulfur in the sulfate form allows molecules and hormones to be transported around our vascular system being in the more water soluble form. Her piercing thinking is enlightening many things which we learned in medical school but never really understood or appreciated. We are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made. Stephanie
Re: Colloidal Mechanics, Physiology and Vaccination
Ascorbate is a catalyst for the oxidation of homocysteine thiolactone to produce sulfate. Check out this article by McCul[ly (figure 1). Bob Davidson argues that ascorbate facilitates sulfate transfer among many different species, and it is interesting that ascorbate is found in high concentrations in the adrenal glands where sulfated steroids are produced in large numbers. This may be a key but often overlooked reason why it improves collagen function, since collagen has sulfated GAGs bound to it. by Stephanie Seneff
response by Bob
Hi Stephanie!
Kilmer McCully’s work is “flat-out” brilliant. I’m trying to chase-down full copies of his more recent work. There are some “paywall” issues to ocercome.
You mention the adrenals and ascorbic acid. The adrenals and brain have very high levels of ascorbic acid. Serendipity? Of note, ascorbate is a substrate for catechol-O-methyl transferase, which uses PAPS as methyl donor. PAPS is unstable to inflammatory stress (low pH, oxidative stress). Also, COMT has a pH optimum that might not be efficient during inflammatory stress. I’ve begun to suspect that 2-O-methyl L-ascorbyl radical is non-enzymatic methyl group transfer factor, i.e. a reactive transient, generated upon photo-oxidative activation.
Hydroxyl radicals are extraordinarily reactive non-specific oxidants. I suspect that ascorbic acid moderates the oxidative stress (and ER stress) associated with ROS, RNS, and free radical stress, generally. Unopposed ROS stress is likely to be problematic. Unopposed ROS stress occurs during scurvy and occult scurvy. Of note, ascorbic acid is invariably associated with dioxygenases, in vivo. I’ve begun to strongly suspect that ascorbic acid is acting as a “hydroxylation factor” after photo-oxidative activation in inflamed tissue hydrogels (EZ water). This is “huge”, if hypothesis is validated! Why? Because it provides as reasonable basis for imputing quantum phase-coherence to biologically signaling organization, on all levels of size, from subatomic to ecosystem. It would tend to explain orthomolecular therapeutic and preventive synergy. If validated, this NGTC hypothesis has clinical translational potential which is “off-the-chart”. I’m closing-in on finishing the 3-part series of papers elaborating the NGTC hypothesis.
It is tempting to hypothesize that spin-correlated radical pairs are formed at the interface (interphase) by ascorbic radicals, ROS, RNS, and activated water CDs. A paper by Del Giudice and Giuliani provides support and the inspiration for such a notion. EZ water is likely to be quantum phase-coherent and dominated by EM field dynamics, i.e. not diffusion-limited dynamics. There’s a colloid chemistry conference in Vienna in October. I’d give my “eye-teeth” for a sponsor in order to attend. The NGTC hypothesis is very amenable to validation, but there are some logistical “issues” (personal and professional) to overcome.
Bob D.