LDN and cancer – one fellow’s story

My Personal Experience With Low Dose Naltrexone and Cancer

My Name is Tom. I will be in my third year of Stage IV malignant melanoma which had metastasized to the lymph glands in my neck, shoulders and under my arms. CT’s confirmed that it had metastasized to the lymph’s under my jaw on the left side and around the spine at the back of my neck. The lymph node under my jaw is swollen the size of an unshelled walnut.

Research on the internet in areas that the medical profession use educated me to the fact that when there are tumors with the melanoma; they are larger than 1/16th inch in diameter and the cancer has spread to the lymphatic system, it is in stage IV and convention treatments with chemo and radiation are no longer effective. In other words, it is to late by their thinking.

Two weeks prior to finding I had stage IV melanoma, I also had squamous cell carcinoma which started on the top of my forehead and spread to and around my eye, into the sinus cavity and towards my mouth.

So under my circumstances, I opted to go 100% natural. So I set out researching cancer for the past three years. I my research, I came the conclusion, especially from the methods I have been using, that cancer and other diseases can not be necessarily cure, but managed to help keep in remission.

I first started out with a good nutritional diet and keep myself very alkaline. Cancer can only thrive in an acidic environment. In addressing my tumors, I decide to opt for the use of a drawing salve (black salve), in my case, Cansema. I documented in every detail, along with hundreds of pictures, the two years I used the salve to draw out tumors. Some of the tumors were as big as ½  too ¾ inches in diameter. The problem with this method, was that the tumors were producing faster than I could keep up with. In my research, this possibly was brought on by edema which was cause by the aggressiveness of the salve.

So I knew I was going to have to make some adjustments. One year into my battle, the spring of 2004, I added to my therapy Wobenzym N from Mucos Pharma in Germany and approved for sale in the US. This is a superb product that I still use to this day. Enzyme therapy is very important in any disease or prevention of disease. I started out on 60 pills a day to as little as 30 a day. I was introduced to two different kinesiologist. One in Kentucky and one in Michigan, both who monitoring me the past two and a half years. It is with their help, I was able to know how much Wobenzym N and other necessary supplements I need to take as well as what was effective and what was not. They also monitored my diet as well.

As well as all this was working for me, I still had flair ups in my cancer activity every time my immune system was compromised and I got real ill. So I decided that I needed to research more and look for something else that would enhance my immune system to keep this cancer in remission. Then a friend of mine told me about being put on low dose naltrexone for his non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in January of this year (2005). He knew very little about this product. So I started to do my home work. I found the Low Dose Naltrexone website and after reading about the women’s experience in France that had three month s to live due to melanoma that had spread to the brain, and lived for twelve years afterward until she stopped taking LDN, I said this is the product I want to take.

I went to three doctors that I have known for some years, and no would write me the prescription. Their excuse was that it was not FDA approved for that use. I reminded them of other drugs that they prescribed for other uses beyond would the FDA had approved them for, but that did not convince them. One even wanted me to have surgery. I knew better or they were not well educated that surgery is to late for stage IV melanoma.

I ended up having to be paired with a doctor in Ohio who is on LDN for MS to get my prescription. Once I received the LDN I had my kinesiologist test me. In testing my endorphin level, it was only at 10%. Testing with LDN, I was not responding due to a malabsorption problem. I suggested that we try D-5 Extra along with the LDN. When tested, my endorphin level went to 90%. I could absorb the naltrexone

I started the low dose naltrexone in March of 2005. Prior to getting on LDN, I contacted a serious upper respiratory infection that caused my cancer activity to flair up 60%. My lymph nodes swelled as well.

After starting on the LDN in March, I again, in April, contacted a serious upper respiratory infection, but this time my cancer activity did not flair up! That told me it was working.

My report from my kinesiologist this week, Oct 18, 2005, was that even though I still had my cancer, it was not active. The naltrexone was keeping it under control. She was amazed herself.

So I even though I am on naltrexone, I still watch my diet. I think that this is very important when fighting any disease that naltrexone is being used for. It can do no more than help enhance the effectiveness of the drug.

As far as it keeping me awake at night, I do not have that problem because I also take 3 mg of Melatonin at bedtime. It is important that one is in a good, deep sleep when taking LDN, Light of any kind can disrupt the sleep pattern. Therefore the bedroom should be pitch black at night or at least wear a sleeping mask.

Today, I am thankful to God for giving me the wisdom and insight to educate myself on how to manage my cancer. And I am also thankful for Dr. Bahari for his dedication to the research of LDN, which in my opinion, could be one of the most valuable, life saving and life enhancing drugs every discovered that even someone going the alternative, natural route, would not even think twice about before taking it.



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