Dietary Racism

Targeting Blacks With Extreme Prejudice

What is it like to be black in America?

*  The white man assumes that there is equality between the


* The black man knows that there is not.

* The white woman believes that the black woman has attained

equal rights.

* The black woman is sicker, fatter, and poorer than her

white sister.

We whites and blacks now share the same opportunities, and

may live on the same streets and work the same jobs. Our

brains work the same, and our blood, muscles, and internal

organs function in like manners. There is one very powerful

difference between the races.

Whites with European backgrounds can tolerate milk and dairy

products. Blacks with African ancestry cannot. With that

difference considered, it would be hazardous for blacks to

consume an amount of dairy equal to whites. It might even be

deadly for blacks to consume greater amounts of milk and

dairy. That is exactly what they are doing.

Ninety-five percent of African-Americans cannot tolerate

lactose. Pizza and ice cream taste delicious on the way into

their bodies. Lactose is a sugar, and most people need the

enzyme (lactase) to break down lactose into glucose and

galactose. Intact, this sugar is broken down in the

intestines by bacteria and the results are gas, bloating,

and intestinal distress.

Casein represents eighty percent of milk protein. This

tenacious glue causes histamine production, the body's

natural defense against an invading antigen. One's

antibodies result in mucus, and plenty of it.

Inner-city school systems like Boston, New York, Detroit,

Chicago, and Los Angeles have very large populations of

African-American students. In New York City, 38 percent of

homeless children and 25 percent of kids in the Bronx

schools have asthma. Got milk?  Got cheese? These kids do,

particularly chocolate milk.

Milk contains powerful hormones. Rates of sexual maturity in

children are astounding 21st century endocrinologists and

behavioral psychologists. A recent study revealed that

eighty percent of nine-year-old African-American girls had

breast development with early sexual maturity.

Children are becoming overweight at an earlier age too. By

eating growth hormones in combination with animal fat, the

body has a way of listening to the signals of those chemical

messengers: Grow!

One out of five children has attention deficit disorder

(ADD). A recent study in the Journal of Autism linked ADD

with a milk protein, casomorphin. This opiate is similar to

morphine, and it can be found in the healthiest milk from

the healthiest cows.

Many children of color live below the poverty level. The

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides free

food and nutritional programs for these kids. In its lack of

wisdom, USDA has chosen milk and dairy products to be the

major components of these kid's diets. These children now

receive free breakfasts of cereal with milk, free lunches of

chocolate with macaroni and cheese or pizza. A subsidized

snack before they go home is more chocolate milk.

Milk buffers gastric pH so that food in the stomach ferments

and putrefies. Kids drink hormones and act irritable. In May

of 1995, the Townsend Medical Letter listed eleven symptoms

from milk consumption including mood swings, depression, and


Milk is slavery to impoverished children. Milk takes away

their ability to learn. Poverty in America translates into a

billion dollar giveaway program. That gift to poor black

children and parents is free cheese and milk.

Add to that the dairy industry's milk mustache campaign.

As African-American women read pro-milk propaganda in

women's magazines, reinforced by milk mustache ads, rates of

breast cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes soar to become


South African black women eat just 196 milligrams of calcium

per day, yet American women, who are eating 986 milligrams

of calcium daily, experience eleven times the rate of pelvic

fractures as their African sisters.

The consumption of cheese has more than tripled in the past

twenty years from an average of 10 pounds per person each

year to 31 pounds. Combine that with an enormous campaign

that targets African-Americans by hiring athletes, models,

actresses, and celebrities to pose with milk mustaches, and

we find the reason for increased rates of allergies, breast

cancer, osteoporosis, asthma, diabetes, and other ailments

in the African-American community.

Can things be worse for blacks? Unfortunately, the answer is

yes. The latest death statistics confirm that black people

face medical genocide, when it comes to cancer.

Despite new cancer procedures, which include earlier rates

of detection and technologically advanced means of treating

carcinomas, blacks are not keeping up with white survival


As black people are targeted by dairy industry promotions to

consume more milk and cheese, and by government regulators

to eat what is white in the name of good health, they ingest

increased amounts of powerful hormones.

There are hundreds of millions of different proteins in

nature, and only one hormone that is identical between any

two species. That powerful growth hormone is insulin-like

growth factor, or IGF-I. IGF-I survives digestion and has

been identified as a key factor in cancer's growth. IGF-I is

identical in human and cow.

If you believe that breast feeding "works" to protect

lactoferrins and immunoglobulins from digestion (and benefit

the nursing infant), you must also recognize that milk is a

hormonal delivery system. By drinking cow's milk, one

delivers IGF-I in a bioactive form to the body's cells. When

IGF-I from cow's milk alights upon an existing cancer, it's

the signal to grow. To proliferate. IGF-I has been called a

key factor in the growth and proliferation of every human


The latest cancer data have been recently published by the

SEER cancer statistics review and the National Cancer

Institute. For this column, I compare 1980 death rates to

year 2000 death rates. Statistics are per 100,000 of


A cancer takes 8-10 years to grow from one cell to one-

million cells. As a result of increased surveillance and

awareness, cancers are being diagnosed much earlier than

ever before. As a result of increased technologies, cancer

death rates have been reversed among whites. During this

same time frame, blacks have been the target of the dairy

industry and government. Breast cancer death rates for

whites have dropped. Breast cancer rates for blacks have

increased. Prostate cancer death rates for white men have

decreased. The rate for black men has increased by double

digits. The same can be said for colon cancer death rates.

Here are the actual data.

From 1980 until 2000, colon cancer death rates decreased by

a factor of 27.6 percent for white males and 29.6 percent

for white females. Black females experienced only a 7.3

percent decrease, while black males experienced a 6 percent


From 1980 until 2000, breast cancer death rates decreased by

a factor of 17.6 percent for white women, while breast

cancer rates for black women increased by a factor of 9.1


From 1980 until 2000, prostate cancer death rates decreased

by a factor of 7.6 percent for white males, while prostate

cancer rates for black males increased by a factor of 11.6


Lympoma rates for males and females were about equal.

Amazingly, despite increased technologies, lymphoma rates

have soared equally for both races.

While rates of breast, prostate, and colon cancer were

decreasing for white men and women, rates of lymphatic

cancer deaths increased 39 percent for white males and 27.3

percent for white females. Black males suffered an increase

of 31.4 percent, while black female deaths increased by a

factor of 35.5 percent.

An argument for the etiology of these shocking results can

be made for the new genetically engineered bovine growth

hormone. See companion article:

In October of 1992, Scientific American wrote:

"The National Dairy Board's Slogan, 'Milk. It does a body

good,' sounds a little hollow these days."

More than a decade later, those words have never been more


Robert Cohen, author of:  



Executive Director (



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