Nobel laureate – use common sense and stop Prozac

Psychiatry in the year 2009:   “diagnostic science” used in the psychotropic medicine field is no more a “science” than someone experimenting with spices in their own kitchen.”   Arvid Carlsson, Nobel laureate , Medicine 2000

First two paragraphs read:   “In a recent lecture in Gothenburg Sweden , the 2000 Nobel prize laureate, Arvid Carlsson, who gained recognition for his work in the field of medicine, promoted the use of “kinder” medicines than the ones resulting from his own findings, the SSRI medicines (ie. Prozac, etc).”

“’There are too many strong and harsh medicines’ , he says, and claims that the  ‘diagnostic science’  used in the psychotropic medicine field is no more a  ‘science’ than someone experimenting with spices in their own kitchen.  ‘One tries this and that, and the diagnosis is very often arbitrary’”. He does not want to compare it to polio research for example.”

Nobel prize winner points to dangers involving psychotropic drugs

2009-05-20 22:54:29 – In a recent lecture in Gothenburg Sweden , the 2000 Nobel prize laureate, Arvid Carlsson, who gained recognition for his work in the field of medicine, promoted the use of “kinder” medicines than the ones resulting from his own findings, the SSRI medicines (ie. Prozac etc).

“There are too many strong and harsh medicines”, he says, and claims that the “diagnostic science” used in the psychotropic medicine field is no more a “science” than someone experimenting with spices in their own kitchen. “One tries this and that, and the diagnosis is very often arbitrary”. He does not want to compare it to polio research for example,
where specific symptoms are connected to a specific and recognized source.

Because of the tendency of the brain to adapt and adjust itself – a so called “plasticity” – there can be long term side effects from repeatedly using strong medicines. The same risk, though unconfirmed, he says, could be connected to ECT (electrochock therapy) given repeatedly.

In response to a question from the audience concerning whether or not a patient who is taking psychotropic drugs could make himself independant of the drugs, Arvid Carlsson said, “Yes, it is possible in some cases, by changing the way one lives, taking care of the daily rhythm, including sleep, and by avoiding stress and conflict in relationships”.

Finally, with regard to stem cell research, Mr Carlsson firmly stated that it is “stone dead” as regards his area of specialty – the brain. “A lot of millions will be invested in that area before everyone realizes that”.

Bengt Andersson

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