Irrefutable reasoning

Dr. Weeks’ Comment: the fact that money has influenced the science brought to bear on the topic of HIV and AIDs is irrefutable.  Here is a clear and concise offering my Ms Goodson to clarify the problems with the conventional theory that HIV causes AIDs as we all the treatments which comprise the standard of care. For many dear friends, this is a matter of life or death, so please read the following article carefully.

And by he way – did you know that the package insert for the HIV test clarifies that it is not sufficient to diagnose or screen for AIDs?

Did you know that everyones serum tests positive for HIV (see page 9)  when not diluted to 400:1 (per instruction of the HIV  ELIZA test)? 

Well, fasten your seatbelt and grab a pen and piece of paper to take notes as you read the article below. 

Front. Public Health, 23 September 2014 |

Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: 30 years of dissent

by Patricia GoodsonDepartment of Health & Kinesiology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA

Since 1984, when the hypothesis that HIV-causes-AIDS was announced, many scholars have questioned the premise and offered alternative explanations. Thirty years later, competing propositions as well as questioning of the mainstream hypothesis persist, often supported by prominent scientists. This article synthesizes the most salient questions raised, alongside theories proposing non-viral causes for AIDS. The synthesis is organized according to four categories of data believed to support the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: retroviral molecular markers; transmission electron microscopy (EM) images of retroviral particles; efficacy of anti-retroviral drugs; and epidemiological data. Despite three decades of concerted investments in the mainstream hypothesis, the lingering questions and challenges synthesized herein offer public health professionals an opportunity to reflect on their assumptions and practices regarding HIV/AIDS.

“The HIV/AIDS hypothesis is one hell of a mistake”, wrote Kary Mullis in 1996 [(1), p. 14]. Mullis – Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1993 – and other distinguished scientists have claimed the HIV-causes-AIDS hypothesis is false, unproductive, and unethical. They have done so since 1984, when the hypothesis was proposed. Thirty years after countless studies, resources, and attempts to cure have been poured into the HIV-AIDS hypothesis, it may be fruitful to ask: What happened to those views and voices that once disagreed? Have the past three decades, with their scientific, technological, and public health developments, been sufficient to convince critics of the hypothesis’ value? Have these advances been able to silence the questioning?

Here, I synthesize the main criticisms aimed at the HIV-AIDS hypothesis, alongside select unorthodox1 theories proposing non-viral cause(s) for AIDS, to argue: far from being condemned to extinction, competing explanations for, and thorough questioning of the mainstream premise persist. Perhaps better known by the lay public than by health professionals, many explanations are, in fact, attracting a growing number of sympathizers. To support the argument, I employ historical research and data synthesis methods. I utilize, as data, trade and professional publications in tandem with authoritative scientific sources.

It is important to note that my purpose is not to review the state of the science regarding HIV/AIDS, nor to persuade readers to reject the mainstream hypothesis. Instead, I aim to expose readers to the persisting controversies, and to motivate them to raise questions of their own. Ultimately, then, this article invites the public health workforce to reflect on prevailing assumptions and practices regarding HIV-AIDS. Reflecting on assumptions and practices represents a central task for public health professionals; a vital step to ensure their (our) practice continually grounds itself in the most rigorous ethical standards (3).

HIV-Causes-AIDS: How Valid are the DATA?

In 1984, Margaret Heckler (then Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services) announced a retrovirus was the “probable cause” of the alarming immune system collapse emerging in the US since 1981 (4). When scientists identified antibodies to a retrovirus known as LAV, or HTLV-III, in 48 persons (from a sample of 119, with and without immune deficiency symptoms), the retrovirus became the culprit of what would be perceived as “the most urgent health problem facing the country” in recent history [(56), p. 1].

The announcement intended to assure the public: the mystery surrounding this apparently contagious and decidedly fatal illness – later labeled AIDS for acquired immune deficiency syndrome – was solved. The newly identified virus – soon renamed HIV, for human immunodeficiency virus – was, almost certainly, responsible for debilitating people’s immune system and making them vulnerable to infections which, before AIDS, were either rare or not particularly dangerous. Now, however, infections such as Kaposi’s Sarcoma and Pneumocistis carinii Pneumonia had morphed into vicious killers (46). By identifying the perpetrator, scientists’ attention and government resources could then focus on treatment, cure, and vaccine development.

Yet almost immediately, scientists who knew a great deal about retroviruses and immunology began to voice misgivings regarding the HIV-causes-AIDS hypothesis, and to question it. They highlighted the difficulties, flaws, and contradictions they saw in the hypothesis, and offered alternative explanations. Many of the original misgivings have survived, and others have been raised, in the past three decades.

In this paper, therefore, I summarize some of these difficulties, and present what critics propose as alternative causes of AIDS. I organize the challenges put forth by unorthodox scholars into four categories of data that support the HIV-AIDS hypothesis2 : (1) retroviral molecular markers; (2) transmission electron microscopy (EM) images of retroviral particles; (3) efficacy of anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs; and (4) epidemiological data (78). Because these data are proffered as solid evidence for HIV’s role in causing AIDS, it is useful to examine how critics question the evidence in each category, specifically….

FOR the rest of this article and references SEE THIS LINK

Here is a teaser….   “Furthermore, credibility as an argument works both ways: if to question the trustworthiness of unorthodox scholars is vital, it is equally crucial to question the reliability of those supporting the HIV-AIDS hypothesis. Readers who care to learn about HIV-AIDS’ history will encounter ethically questionable actions carried out by some of the most notable orthodox researchers, as well as ethical misconduct charges made against them [for an extensive treatment of these ethical and legal issues, backed by extensive official documentation, see Crewdson (88)].”


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