Cut that Caper -eat Quercetin

Dr. Weeks’ Comment: Another example of the healing power of foods. Organic is essential.

Certain Quercetins Mean Curtains for Cancer!

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
– J.T. Stinson, 1904

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Bishop Albertus Magnus once proposed that apple trees
have souls.

Apples are abundant in the plant chemical quercetin, or so
we’ve been told. Cranberries, apples, broccoli, blueberries,
sweet potatoes. All rich in this powerful flavonoid. Fact is,
fruits & veggies are abundant in quercetin with cranberries
containing 15 micrograms per 100-gram portion (3-1/2
ounces) and sweet potatoes having 10 micrograms.

Apples 3, Blueberries 4, but after doing a bit of research,
we learn that cilantro has 53 and carob (vegan chocolate
alternative) has 58! But it gets better. I often cook a pasta
marinara dish adding Kalamata olives and capers. Yum!
Capers contain an astonishing 234 micrograms of quercetin
per  100-gram portion!

The August 18, 2016 issue of Antioxidants evaluates the
Cancer Inhibitory Potential  of Cranberries which doctors
at the Medical College of Wisconsin attribute to quercetin.
Take note that capers contain 15-times the amount of
quercetin (by weight) as do cranberries!

Can this quercetin “thing” get any better for vegans?
Yes! Research reveals that red kidney beans contain
triple the amount of quercetin by weight as do capers!

The Journal of Cellular Physiology included a study
which confirms anti-cellular growth of human cancers
after quercetin is ingested. Doctors reported:

Our experiments, using human colon adenocarcinoma
cells, confirmed the anti-proliferative effect of quercetin
and lent intriguing new insight into the knowledge of
the mechanisms involved leading to the regulation of
cell growth. These findings open new perspectives for
anticancer therapeutic strategies.”

For those who incorrectly believe that eating organic
does not make much of a difference, the July, 2007 issue
of the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry included a
study in which scientists found organically grown fruit
contained 79 percent more quercetin than those grown
by traditional methods by using chemical pesticides.

What’s the difference between a carnivore and a plant-eater?
No carnivore on the face of the earth has ever represented
that there is “magic” in the flesh of the dead cow or bird he
swallows, while every person eating a plant-based diet has
an innate perspective while making that enchanting claim.

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“In some Native languages the term for plants
translates to ‘those who take care of us.'”
”• Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass

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Robert Cohen

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