GCMAF – for cancer

GcMAF – treatment for cancer, aids and immune diseases

Dr Bradstreet has full Autism recoveries with our GcMAF. See “Participants experiences”

It is our immune system that prevents and destroys cancer

A macrophage (purple) eats cancer cellsA macrophage (purple) eats cancer cells

The first research was published in 1993 and since then many papers have appeared indicating GcMAF rebuilds the immune system, and the immune system then eradicated cancer and other diseases.

Dr. Nobuto Yamamoto in Philadelphia was the first, but hundreds of scientists have now worked on this and related projects.

How does GcMAF work?
In a healthy person your GcMAF instructs macrophages in your bloodstream to scour our bodies and kill malignancies. But malignant cells like cancer send out an enzyme called Nagalase that neutralises your GcMAF; so the macrophages never get the message to go into action – in this way cancer suppresses the immune system, and cancer cells grow unchecked.

To reverse this, we make GcMAF outside the body, and it is one dose a week for typically 24 weeks for early cancers, a year for late stage cancers. Our GcMAF has had over 200 independent tests.

One week’s GcMAF looks like a small raindrop. Its perfectly sterile, and is the most ethical course available to doctors.

We are a main supplier for research universities, together with more than 50 cancer clinics and doctors.

In its role of immune system regulator, research shows GcMAF can reverse other diseases that attack the immune system like Autism, CFS, XMRV, Lyme disease, Aids, HIV, Fibromyalgia (all of which we’ve begun to have success with ourselves), osteoporosis, Hodgkin’s, Lupus, MS, Parkinson’s, various bacterial and viral infections and various types of Immune dysfunction.

Small pre-clinical trials to build the case are again taking place.

Our GcMAF destroying human cancer cells for 72 hours. At 100ng/ml, panel D, cells show an irregular shape and size. They are significantly smaller as if processes of shrinkage had occurred. Cells appear inhomogeneous and both cytoplasm and nucleus appear irregular as if fragmented. Numerous cellular debris can be observed as well as apoptotic bodies. Clusters are much fewer in number and their borders appear less defined.Our GcMAF destroying human cancer cells for 72 hours. At 100ng/ml, panel D, cells show an irregular shape and size. They are significantly smaller as if processes of shrinkage had occurred. Cells appear inhomogeneous and both cytoplasm and nucleus appear irregular as if fragmented. Numerous cellular debris can be observed as well as apoptotic bodies. Clusters are much fewer in number and their borders appear less defined.

Clinics, doctors and those diagnosed with any of these illnesses, and who have done their own research on it,  are invited to respond. We ask for a copy of diagnostic information and update reports from a physician during and after treatments, to help build the case that GcMAF is effective for various illnesses, which will help to make it available to the public. Participants are free to stop at any time, and we can recommend a Doctor if required.

What have we learned?

Dr Yamamoto carefully selected his trials: he took fit people with in the early stages of cancer and HIV, and reported nearly 100 percent success, with no recurrence after many years. He did not attempt trials on people with large tumours.

Our trials are quite different: most people are over 50, some over 80, with advanced or terminal cancers, with significant tumour mass.

We appear to have increasingly better results in 2011 over 2010, and as research advances, the percentage successes, which are very dependent on the stage of the disease, are improving. GcMAF needs good nutrition to feed the immune system while it is being rebuilt, and normal levels of vitamin D to function strongly.  But even in low responders, GcMAF appears to stop the advance of cancer.

We have probably proved GcMAF can work for people up to age 90, with terminal stage 4 cancer, and can destroy large tumour mass. See “Patients on GcMAF” on the left.

If you have your blood taken for white cell counts and a nagalase test at the beginning, you can see on your next test that your immune system is back to full strength after three weeks, and significantly falling nagalase shows the disease is losing its grip in 8 weeks; when it gets below 0.65 nagalase loses the ability to prevent your body producing your own GcMAF, which can then take over from ours.

Autism children improve at five weeks with substantial improvements at 8 weeks. See “Participants experiences” on the left.

HIV participants who also take 4-9000IU of vitamin D daily can expect to see nagalese drop to normal after 16 weeks.

But the beauty of using your own immune system to attack cancer is that it remembers how to defeat it for the rest of your life: it doesn’t come back. And unlike chemotherapy, the side effects are trivial.


For product, contact David Noakes +44 752-844-1672.

SOURCE  http://www.gcmaf.eu/info/ 

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