Dr. Weeks’ Comment: Electrical pollution takes many serious and lethal forms – here we focus on the “smart meters” put on your home without your permission.
How serious is electrical pollution?
Watch this https://youtu.be/3t0qTjB__1Q
Chapter 1: SMART METERS on you house
Do you have a smart meter? https://youtu.be/9WeDtQ7sXHU
How do smart meters effect health? https://youtu.be/z2Mt00xY8eU
What a smart meter does to the heart of a chiropractor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2Mt00xY8eU&nohtml5=False
The Dark Side of Smart Meters https://youtu.be/FLeCTaSG2-U
Why did the DOD and Homeland Security fund installation of Smart Meters. https://youtu.be/YiFMj7r4Iu4
“One-hundred private companies, utilities, manufacturers, cities and other partners received awards today, including FPL which will use its $200 million in funding to install 2.6 million smart meters and other technology that will cut energy costs for its customers.” https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/president-obama-announces-34-billion-investment-spur-transition-smart-energy-grid NOTE: smart meters do NOT cut energy costs for consumers… they make the collecting of electrical usage more efficient for the power company. They same money. You do not.
What solutions are available? See http://safalab.com/product-category/electric-smog-protection/
How to block a smart meter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmS5pVEZHzg&nohtml5=False
and how to block inside the house https://youtu.be/3tXC8fjrwmY
DIY Aluminum mesh to block smart meter radiation https://youtu.be/xJzBeUeXb0Q
For more information on electrical pollution, see https://weeksmd.com and search “electrical pollution”. You will find hundreds of articles.