Dr. Weeks’ Comment: As founder of the American Apitherapy Society back in 1986, I have always been intrigued with the medicinal use of venoms and poisons. As Paracelsus taught us in the 1400s: “Poison is simply a matter of dosage” suggesting that when attenuated appropriately to a safe level, the powerful biologic forces of the poison can be medicinal. I have worked with cobra venom, spider venom, scorpion venom, warp and hornet venom but my favorite, of course, is the honey bee venom which is not only the most powerful but also the safest and readily accessible (unless we allow Monsanto to continue killing the bees with neonicotinoid pesticides). Many patients suffer with fungal infections, be they from water contamination of a home and the resulting toxic black mold or from Candida Albicans (yeast infection) related to perhaps excess sugar and antibiotic use. I have never worked with venom from amphibians like the dart frogs, but here comes the exciting research about their venom against fungal infections. Just remember – get the dosage right!