Have you ever wondered what exactly is Coca-Cola?
Coke is the most valuable brand in history and ′′ Coca-Cola ′′ is the second most well-known word in the world after ′′ hello However, the drink itself is an absolute poison for human metabolism. Very acidic, the pH value is one point higher than the battery acid. As a result, it is suitable for cleaning surfaces (and often better) for which we used toxic household cleaning products.It’s cheaper and easier to buy in some third world countries than clean water. Coca-Cola uses ′′ PR propaganda ′′ to convince consumers and whole nations that ′′ environmentally friendly ′′ while its activity is actually connected with pollution, water shortage and diseases.With people who drink soft drinks like Coca-Cola, the risk of heart attack and stroke is 48 % higher than those who don’t drink such drinks at all or at least drink them every day.
According to the study published in the journal Respirology, drinking soft drink may also be accompanied by lung and respiratory disorders, including asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD).Carbon acid calcium in Cola causes loss in bones during a phase 3 process: Carbon acid irritates the stomach.
Stomach tries to ′′ heal ′′ irritations as it can, meaning it adds the only acidic pen available: calcium. This is the blood you get.
Now low calcium blood from bones makes up for missing calcium. If he didn’t do this, it would seriously damage muscle and brain function.But the story doesn’t end here. Cola’s other problem is that it contains phosphoric acid (not the same as carbon acid mixed with water). Phosphoric acid also affects body calcium storage.So Coke softens bones in 3 ways (actually makes them weaker and broken):
Carbon acid reduces calcium in the bones.
Phosphoric acid reduces calcium in bones.
Drink replaces calcium-containing alternatives, such as milk or water. Milk and water are not excellent sources of calcium, but still can be considered sources.Esophobic cancer was very rare two generations ago, now it’s common. The basic mechanism works as follows:
Mechanical damage to cells is a huge risk factor in cancer. This is the reason why asbestos particles cause lung cancer for example.
Every soft drink causes acid reflux (stomach acid rises higher than the esophagus valve). This is much more important when the body is in horizontal position (sleeping), but in most cases the amount of Cola and other refreshing drinks means that acid reflux is well over the danger point.
Whenever we have a pleasant drink, it causes burping and acid gets into the esophagus. How much is that too much? Research does not indicate where the border is, it just shows that most of us are far over it. Stomach acid dissolves the tissue – this is its purpose. The mucus of the stomach is not found in the esophagus, so damage to the lower esophagus is much more common for those who eat acidic soft drinks than those who eat non-carbonated drinks. This results in radical growth of cell mutations and a much higher level of free roots.So what happens to our bodies after drinking Coca-Cola?After 10 minutes: Ten teaspoon of sugar is found in a glass of coke that measures devastating ′′ strike ′′ on the body, and the only reason you don’t puke is phosphoric acid that prevents sugar.After 20 minutes: There is a jump in the bloodstream insulin level. Liver turns all sugar into fat.
After 40 minutes: Caffeine recording is finally over. Eyes are widening. Blood pressure rises as liver adds more sugar to bloodstream. Adenosin receptors become an obstacle that prevents sleepiness.
After 45 minutes: The body increases the production of dopamine hormone, which stimulates the joy center of the brain. Similar reaction to what Heroin creates.After 1 hours: Phosphoric acid connects calcium, magnesium and zinc in the stomach intestines tract, giving metabolism an extra boost. Calcium is evacuated with urine.More than 1 hours later: The urinary effect of the drink enters the ′′ game “. Calcium, magnesium and zinc depart from the body, which are the components of our bones and sodium. By this time we can become irritated or dull. The entire amount of water that the coke contained is leaving with the urine.When we drink a cold bottle of coke and enjoy the undeniable freshness, are we aware of what kind of chemical ′′ cocktail ′′ we are getting into our body? Coca-Cola is phosphoric acid. Because it has a high acidity, the containers used for the transport of chemicals had to be provided with special storage, designed for highly corrosive materials.Let’s take a look at the ′′ anatomy ′′ of one of Coca-Cola’s most promoted products, the Coca Cola Light without caffeine. This drink contains: carbon-enriched water, E150D, E652, E651, E336, E330, E211.Water enriched with carbon acid – this is the soda water. This stirs up the stomach secretion, increases the acidity of the stomach, and causes bloating. Filter tap water is primarily used for it.
E150D – this is a food coloring that is won by or without processing sugar with or without chemical reagents. In case of Coca-Cola, ammonium sulfate is added.
E652 – Sodium cyclamate, this is a substitute for sugar. Cyclama is a synthetic chemical, sweet taste that is 200 times sweeter than sugar and is used as an artificial sweetener. In 1969, the FDA (American Food and Medicine Supervision Authority) banned it because this, as well as Sacharin and Aspartam, caused cancer in rats. Later this material was legalized again in a very suspicious way.E650 – Acesulfam potassium. 200 times sweeter than sugar, contains methyl ether. This makes the cardiovascular system more difficult. It also contains asparagic acid, which can also have an exciting effect in our nervous system and can lead to addiction over time. Acesulfam is poorly solved and not recommended for children and pregnant women.
E651 – Aspartam. A diabetes substitute for diabetes is chemically unstable at high temperatures, and then it decomposes to methanol and phenylalamine. Methanol is very dangerous as 5-10 ml nerve damage and irreversible blindness. In hot soft drinks, my aspartam turns into formaldehyde, which is a very strong crabberries. The symptoms of aspartam poisoning are: loss of consciousness, headache, fatigue, dizzy, nausea, heartbeat, weight gain, irritability, anxiety, memory disorder, vague vision, fainting, joint pain, depression, infertility, hearing loss and so on. Aspartam can trigger brain tumors, SM (Sclerosis Multiplex), epilepsy, Graves disease, chronic fatigue, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, mental deficiency and tuberculosis.E336 – Phosphoric acid. This can cause irritation of skin and eyes. This is what is used to produce salts of ammonia, sodium, calcium, aluminum phosphoric acid, and in the organic synthesis of charcoal and film ribbons. Also used in the production of heat resistant materials, ceramics, glass, fertilizer, synthetic cleaning products, medicine, metal processing, and in the textile and olive industry. It is known that phosphoric acid disturb the absorption of calcium and iron in the body, which can cause bone weakening and bone disorder. Other side effects are thirst and skin rashes.E330 – Citric acid. Widely used in the pharmaceutical and food industry. Lemon acid salts (citrates) are used in the food industry for example for acids, preservatives, stabilizers, and medical space to preserve blood.Aromas – unknown aromatic additives E211 –
Sodium Benzoate. This is what is used in the production of food products for antibacterial and fungal killings. Often it happens in jams, juices and fruit yoghurt. Not recommended for asthma and those who are sensitive to aspirin. One of Peter Piper’s studies found this compound causing significant damage to the DNA. According to Peter, sodium benzoate, which is one of the active components of preservatives, does not destroy the DNA, but turns it off. This could lead to liver shrinking and degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease.If you can’t imagine life without Coca-Cola, consider the following:Many Coca-Cola distributors in America use this drink to clean truck engines.Many police cars in America have Coca-Colas bottles and when a car accident happens, they wash the blood off the road.
Coca-Cola is a great tool to remove rust spots on the chrome surfaces of cars. To remove the corrosion from a car battery, you just have to pour the coke on it and the corrosion disappears.To free a rusty twist, draw a piece of clothing in Coca-Colaba and wrap it around the twist for a few minutes.To remove spots from clothes – pour Coca-Colat on dirty clothes, add detergent and start the washing machine as usual. You will be surprised at the result.Some farmers in India use Coca-Cola instead of pesticides to deworm because it’s cheaper and its effect is very similar.Coca-Cola is undeniably a very useful product. The most important thing is to use it for purposes that do not include consumption!
Source: New World Consciousness