Dr. Weeks’ Comment: Soy, especially fermented soy (and of course, organic, non-GMO) is healthy. Whether or not soy is beneficial is no longer a valid discussion. The science is clear: soy being to the beneficial estrogen receptor and not the carcinogenic estrogen receptor. Hmmm. The fact that there are two distinct receptors which have different physiologic effects in news to you? Well let’s be clear: estrogen receptor ALPHA is carcinogenic whereas estrogen receptor BETA is anti-cancer. (Think “BETA is better”) Want to learn more: read THIS and also read THIS and why not THIS and THIS and THIS and finally THIS. What follows is more great info:
Soy & Estrogen
Soy & Diabetes
Soy & Thyroid
Soy & Phytates
Soymilk-Fed Infants
Soy Phytoestrogens
but it must be ORGANIC and NON-GMO