letter to Dr. Hoffer – typical of his success

Hi Dr Hoffer,

I am  the woman you saw in november last year ********* I was writing

to give you my progress. When I came to see you my dosage of 

Risperadol was 4.5 Now I am down to 1 and in August my shot will be

stretched out so I will be at approximately .5. My nurse practioner J

has agreed that it would be better for me to be  off medication. Iam 

glad that I found someone so willing to work with me. She knows of your

work and agrees that nutrition helps a lot. I’ve been  following the

program religiously and I exercise a

1/2 hour to 1 hour a day which helps too. Just wanted to let you know

that Im doing well and that your program has helped a lot I feel really

good with the vitamins. Ive even noticed improvements in my nails and

skin too. I hope everything is going well  with  you.


                                       Sincerely, ********

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