Break a leg! (on bisphosphonates…)

Dr. Weeks’ Comment:    Now, years later, the FDA acknowledges that bisphosphonates not only rot out the jaw bones of patients but also increase the frequency of leg fractures!



Prescription medications are a lifesaver when used appropriately.  They are a bane on our existence when used inappropriately.  How to tell the appropriateness of a prescription?  Inquire whether these is a safer, cheaper, more effective treatment readily available.  If so, resist the urge to medicate when you have the opportunity to correct the problem.  Hence:  Corrective medicine with “centsible” protocols.   “Bisphosphonates” are typically an unreasonable option.   If you are concerned with bone loss,  take Bone Assist  from

Increasingly, doctors are reluctant to prescribe  bisphosphonates  – a class of drugs that is advertised to prevent bone loss but whose mechanism of action is to poison one half of your healthy bone team – the osteoclast (think of this as the recycling member of the healthy bone team whereas the other half of the team, the osteoblast, lays down good new bone.

Why poison part of bone metabolism when the corrective solution is to supplement with Vitamins K-2, D3, minerals like magnesium and calcium in 1 2:1 ration  (and use chelates of these minerals, not carbonates or oxides!) .  Boron, strontium, hormone support – all the the level of a healthy person are also required and of course, use it or lose it:  exercise!


Yet another warning has been issued for the class of drugs labeled bisphosphonates. These include Fosamax, Actonel, Aredia, Zometa and Boniva. Warnings about the drugs causing osteonecrosis of the jaw have been out for a few years. Tell your dentist if you are taking one of these drugs. He will most likely refuse to do a procedure on you. The new warnings concern bone fractures which is pretty ironic as these drugs are touted to prevent bone fractures. These drugs actually poison your bones. Do not take them. Jaw osteonecrosis  is not known to be reversible.

40% of the time, osteoporotic hip fractures are fatal.  A blood test called “ostase” can reveal if you are losing too much bone. A bone mineral density test will reveal how much bone has been lost.

Robert Lowes
Freelance writer,

St. Louis, Missouri




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