How to take Soul and Core.

Many people have asked so here is the standard protocol for taking the organic, non-GMO powerful healing seed drinks:

How to Take   SOUL

Take 1 packet of SOUL first thing in the morning and last thing at night before sleep – keep the box in your bathroom to remind you so you don’t forget! Do this for a 1 month trial (you need 2 boxes of #30 packets)

Tear off top of the packet and drink 90% of the packet by rolling it under toward mouth like a tube of tooth past but don’t forget to rub the remaining 10% in any area of concern (shingles lesion, headache, sore shoulder, etc.) …or exfoliate your face!  These organic, non-GMO, anti-inflammatory seed oils nourish the skin (which has 1000x more omega 6 than omega 3 oils) and reduce wrinkles which are inflamed fatty acids in your skin.

Note: the seed oils penetrate the in 2 minutes leaving skin dry 

Note: do not squeeze the SOUL packet before it is in your mouth or you’ll spill some on your shirt/blouse. 

***People with Diabetes should check their blood sugars after taking SOUL because SOUL lowers blood sugar and reduces the need for blood sugar lowering medication, as is the case with any improvement in diet or lifestyle, so with regular use of SOUL, you will want to reduce you medication accordingly.

NOTE: the seed HUSKS are made of many laminated layers of poly mannose and the husk is more nutrient dense than the seed itself! Extracted seed oils from the store do NOT contain the valuable husk fragments. Cut the packet open when you think you have squeezed it all out and eat all the ground up husks which remain in the package.

Note: people with gut issues (leaky gut, Crohn’s ulcerative colitis etc. CAN eat SOUL because the seeds are cold-pressed and ground into a fine flour. 

Some helpful tips:

  • The fatty acids and seed oil profiles are excellent for a deep sleep because inflammation is what disrupts your sleep~
  • You can gargle with it or brush your teeth with it (gingivitis is inflamed tissue and the xylitol kills bad bacterial in your mouth).
  • You can open an additional packet and rub a palm-full on your psoriasis, eczema, rash, shingles and even acne! Let it penetrate for 2 minutes then brush off those exfoliating tiny husk fragments and get on with your day!

How to Take   CORE

Tear off top of the packet of CORE and empty the entire packet into 6 oz of cold water, stir and enjoy as an iced mint-like tea.

This is a powerful alkalinizing drink made from concentrated greens with the seeds of milk thistle (detox liver) and cranberry (detox kidney and ureter) as well as black cumin seed (anti-inflammation) so it is a great way to start your day!

Drink one packet with breakfast and drink your second packet the same way with lunch.

Note: some people drink CORE straight from the packet but the amazing greens (dandelion, chlorophillin, spirolina, kale, aloe vera and wheat grass pack a punch and most people like to dilute CORE in water).

Note:  you can mix CORE with your Ola Loa or with your the non-dairy, non-soy, seed protein powder FORM (it tastes like a mink chocolate smoothie when mixed with FORM).

Do this for a 1 month trial (you need 2 boxes of #30 packets)

NOTE: the seed HUSKS are made of many laminated layers of poly mannose and the husk is more nutrient dense than the seed itself! Extracted seed oils from the store do NOT contain the valuable husk fragments. Cut the packet open when you think you have squeezed it all out and eat all the ground up husks which remain in the package.

Note: people with gut issues (leaky gut, Crohn’s ulcerative colitis etc. CAN eat CORE because the seeds are cold-pressed and ground into a fine flour. 

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